UFI Joins Forces with EMECA to Form European Exhibition Industry Alliance
EMECA, the European Major Exhibition Centres Association, and UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, have signed an agreement to create the European Exhibition Industry Alliance.
This new alliance will bring together Europe’s leading exhibition associations in a coordinated effort to promote awareness of the vital contribution that the exhibition industry plays to economic development and job creation, according to UFI officials.
At the top of the EEIA’s action list is the promotion of the exhibition sectors’ common interests towards the framework setting authorities in the European Union.
“The exhibition industry is making a vital contribution to Europe’s growth agenda, and we need to make sure this is much more clearly understood across the EU,” said Arie Brienen, UFI President.
He added, “It makes sense that the key industry groups should work together to present a single face and single voice to ensure that we’re heard in Europe. UFI has members in 24 of the 27 EU member countries, while EMECA represents the largest and most powerful exhibition centres across the region.”
The EEIA mandate calls for the alliance to actively present a strong and clear voice on all exhibition industry related issues to the European Commission, the European Parliament and other important European stakeholders.
Dr. Piero Venturelli, EMECA president, added, "EMECA is very happy to join forces with UFI. The European trade fair sector is a key player in the international exhibition market. Our 19 EMECA members are proud to be part of this exciting new venture. With our office in Brussels, we are already in the heart of Europe. Together with UFI, we will be even stronger.”
EMECA and UFI will cooperate closely to develop the work scope of the new Brussels-based industry alliance.
The EEIA will monitor EU issues and inform members about relevant developments. The fostering of a European operational environment favorable to the exhibition industry sector is the alliance’s ultimate objective.
With a start date of July 1, it is anticipated that EEIA will be fully operational before the final quarter of 2012.

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