AmericasMart Atlanta January 2016 Market Temporaries Post 100 Percent Growth

AmericasMart® Atlanta’s January 2016 Market Temporaries will post 100 percent year-over-year growth in international exhibiting companies, with globally sourced product presented across all 35 collections, according to JoAnn Miller Marshall, executive vice president of AmericasMart trade shows.
The growth in international exhibiting companies parallels continuing expansion for the AmericasMart temporaries mix, which will showcase more than 2,000 exhibiting companies at The Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishings Market® (Showrooms Jan.12-19; Temporaries: Jan. 14-18).
“AmericasMart Atlanta is a true global marketplace of unmatched product resources,” Miller Marshall said.
She added, “Again in January 2016, this market becomes the destination of necessity for artisans and tastemakers from across the globe looking to do business with the world’s leading retailers and designers.”
Lines from across the world – including the United Kingdom, China, Ukraine, Canada, Israel, Ecuador, Australia, India, Chile, Japan, Viet Nam and the Czech Republic – will be present throughout the January 2016 collections.
Among the January 2016 international exhibiting companies are Tense Wood Watches (Canada) in Gentleman’s Boutique, Art Hide (Australia) in HIGH DESIGN®, WRAP! (Chile) in On Trend Gifts, Artel Glass (Czech Republic) in Tabletop LUXE, Firepits UK in The Gardens® and Paper Art Viet (Viet Nam) in Write On! Stationery, Paper & Occasions and more.
The temporary exhibitors supplement AmericasMart’s expansive permanent merchandise collection which also features resources from around the globe.
January Market buyers can explore the influence of European trends on the current US home and gift industries at an interactive presentation from global trend ambassador Patti Carpenter on the opening day of the Temporary Market.
International buyers and exhibitors will be welcomed in a newly renovated International Buyers Lounge on Building 1, Floor 9.
The space provides everything Market attendees need while away from the office. In addition to providing a quiet place to relax, it offers a full range of business services including meeting rooms, computers, free internet access, fax and copy services.

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