PRiME Draws a Record 4,000 Attendees to Hawaiムi Convention Center
The sixth Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science (PRiME) is expected to draw a record 4,000 attendees this week to the Hawai‘i Convention Center.
The meeting, sponsored by The Electrochemical Society (ECS) and The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ), will bring together scientists, lawmakers, government officials and science industry leaders from around the world to present and discuss the latest scientific and technical developments in electrochemical, solid-state science and technology.
The meeting is expected to generate more than $18.8 million in state revenue and 32,160 room nights.
PRiME featured the second international ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S) Oct. 11, which serves as a leading forum on the challenges of large-scale energy storage.
The summit will cover technical, economic and social perspectives, highlighting similar themes to the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative, the state’s commitment to achieving 70 percent clean energy use by 2030.
“Energy has been recognized as one of the most important issues of our time, where the world must address the critical challenge of transforming the current fossil-fuel-based energy economy to a sustainable cost-effective energy economy,” said Roque Calvo, executive director of ECS.
He added, “The technologies that electrochemical engineers and ECS members are currently developing will inspire new possibilities for cleaner energy solutions for tomorrow. And it only makes sense to have the summit in Hawai‘i, a pioneering state in renewable energy.”
Summit speakers will include: Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz; Imre Gyuk, energy storage program manager with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability; Dan Rastler, senior manager in the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources program at the Electric Power Research Institute; and Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, a pioneering industry researcher.
“This important summit will bring us even closer to developing and implementing the solutions that electrochemical power can provide,” said Fernando Garzon, ECS president and MPA-11 technical project leader at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. “Electrochemistry and the concepts of electron transfer are key aspects of several forms of renewable energy and more sustainable ways of energy generation and storage, a very relevant subject today.”
PRiME 2012 also will feature more than 58 technical sessions and 1,000 poster presentations covering breakthrough research; as well as a career fair for registered meeting attendees. Industry businesses are encouraged to participate in the career fair, which provides an opportunity to recruit qualified candidates at every level of experience, from veterans in the sciences to newcomers entering research, development and academia.
“The Electrochemical Society has selected Hawai‘i as the home for all of its PRiME meetings, again showcasing the strength of the state as a leader for meetings of global and scientific importance,” said Joe Davis, SMG general manager of the Hawai‘i Convention Center.
He added, “Hawai‘i’s technology and clean energy opportunities continue to grow, given the state’s rich resources and commitment from private and public sectors.”
PRiME 2012 also is supported by The Korean Electrochemical Society, Chinese Society of Electrochemistry, the Japan Society of Applied Physics and the Electrochemistry Division of the Royal Australian Institute.
The meeting is part of a strong year-end lineup of medical and scientific gatherings at the Hawai‘i Convention Center. Nov. 10-13, the American Medical Association House of Delegates Interim Meeting will draw several thousand members.
In August, the center hosted the Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit and Expo; in May, more than 14,500 attendees gathered for the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) 112th Annual Session and more than 1,000 attendees participated in the 31st annual American Pain Society scientific meeting.

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