5 Tips on Effective Follow-Up Strategies for Trade Show Leads

May 9, 2023

Jim Cermak

Jim Cermak is a professional trade show trainer and coach who finds joy in helping exhibitors, associations and show organizers make more money at their shows and events. He is also the host of the Trade Show University podcast, in which he and expert guests provide listeners with tips, strategies and expertise.

Recently, I had a phenomenal connection with an exhibitor at an industry trade show. We really clicked, the conversation flowed and their solution looked like a good fit. So when I got an email from this person after the show, I was excited to open it. Unfortunately, it was a generic follow-up email probably written by their marketing department.

This was just a complete letdown. I was seriously excited to connect again, but then I started to wonder if maybe I was thinking about a different company. Or maybe I didn’t remember the conversation the same way. Or maybe the solution was not as good of a fit as I thought. 

I never did hear from them again. The opposite of win-win.

Here are five tips to follow up more effectively so you can crush your trade show goals.

1.     Have a follow-up plan BEFORE the show

A critical component for success is to make sure you have a detailed plan for following up with your trade show leads before you go to the show. For example, how and when you will follow up, who is responsible, etc.

Having this plan done ahead of time will help ensure that follow-ups actually happen. After being out of the office for a day or several days at the show means spending time getting caught up on emails, phone calls and everything else that has been piling up since you were out. Oftentimes, the show follow-ups get pushed back and sometimes forgotten altogether.

2.     Rank your leads

Is there a place for sending a generic follow-up email? Absolutely. If you are quickly scanning badges or someone drops their business card in to win a prize, feel free to send them a standard email looking to get them further engaged with your company.

This is what I get from most companies: a blanket, generic follow-up email. But it’s not very effective. Why? First, it doesn’t connect directly with your lead’s needs. Second, these emails sent to big lists of recipients often get stopped by spam filters and aren’t received.

What you need to understand is that every person you interact with at a show is at a different stage as a lead. Some are cool, and some are hot. Some will be huge opportunities for long-term business while others may represent one-time sales. Create different communications for each group in the sales journey and have them ready before the show.

Most importantly, follow up in an appropriate manner based on your interaction with them. It should be a natural next step in your relationship and not a disconnect. Personalize as much as possible.

3.     Following up is your job, not the attendees’

If I only had a dollar for every time I let a prospect leave my booth saying, “I’ve got your contact info – I’ll call you after the show!”  These buyers NEVER follow up. Do NOT let the critical job of following up be on the attendee. That is YOUR job as the exhibitor.

If they say something like, “I forgot my business card,” grab a pen and paper and jot down their contact info or scan their badge. If they refuse, then they’re NOT a good prospect. Let them go. On to the next attendee!

4.     The follow-up starts right at your booth

When you have a good conversation with a qualified prospect (you did qualify them, didn’t you?), start the follow up before they leave. You might be wondering how you make that happen. 

Set the expectation and the tone for the follow up right at the booth as you wrap up your conversation. When you are finished with your conversation, you and the attendee should have an idea of next steps.  

Think of it this way – what would you do next with this person if you could? Take them through a demo? Do a needs analysis? Schedule a time with them to talk with a sales rep?

Be clear and concise. Say something like, “The next thing we’ll do is schedule a demo of our product with you and your team. Does that sound good?” Get them to agree on the follow up. Then tell them how and when you will communicate so they know what to expect. 

If you can schedule a time right there, do it. But that can be tough to do at a trade show, so simply setting the expectation of the follow-up will be good, along with a general time frame.

When that person leaves your booth, capture good notes of your conversation. If you don’t have good notes, you can’t do an appropriate follow up. Determine your method for taking notes before the show - the badge scanning app, a note-taking app, record a voice message or even pen and paper. It doesn’t matter – just do something!

5.     Get personal with your follow-up

Here is my favorite way to start the follow-up, and it works. Right after the person leaves, pull out your phone and take a quick selfie video capturing the details. Then send this message to the prospect. Keep it short and to the point, like:

“Hey Gail, it’s Jim from Trade Show U. It was great talking to you about your need for better results at your next show. As we discussed, the next step is to set up that 15-minute discovery call to help you see the huge opportunities out in front of you. I’ll give you a call next week. Can’t wait to talk soon!”

Do you think you might stand out by sending a personalized video? This rarely if ever happens. And even better, they see you again. This allows them to make a connection with you out of the dozens — if not hundreds — of people they met at the show. It takes about 30 seconds while the information is freshest in your mind.

The moral of the story: Get personal with your follow ups. Be detailed, be organized and be timely and you will see better results.

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MGM Resorts is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse culture, not just among employees and guests but also within its supply chain. The company prioritizes procuring goods and services from businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans, people with disabilities, LGBTQ individuals and those facing economic disadvantages. This commitment is integral to MGM Resorts' global procurement strategy.    Through its voluntary supplier diversity program, MGM Resorts actively identifies and connects certified diverse-owned suppliers to opportunities within its supply chain. The company is on track to spend at least 15% of its biddable procurement with diverse-owned businesses by 2025, demonstrating that supplier diversity is not only a social responsibility but also a strategic business imperative.    Supplier diversity isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s good for business. A diverse supply chain allows access to a broader range of perspectives and experience, helping to drive innovation, entrepreneurship and resilience, while strengthening communities. At MGM Resorts, engaging diverse suppliers ensures best-in-class experiences for guests and clients. Supplier diversity ensures a more resilient supply chain while supporting economic development in the communities in which it operates.   The impact of MGM Resorts' supplier diversity initiatives is significant. In 2023, these efforts supported over 3,500 jobs across more than 30 states, contributed over $214 million in income for diverse-owned businesses and generated more than $62 million in tax revenue. The story extends beyond the numbers – it reflects the tangible benefits brought to small and diverse-owned businesses, fostering economic empowerment in their communities.    MGM Resorts also supports the development and business skills of diverse-owned businesses through investment, mentorship and education. Through the MGM Resorts Supplier Diversity Mentorship Program, the company identifies, mentors and develops diverse-owned businesses to fill its future pipeline, while providing businesses with tools and resources to empower and uplift. Since 2017, the program has successfully graduated 105 diverse-owned businesses and is on track to achieve its goal of 150 graduates by 2025.     MGM Resorts’ commitment to supplier diversity not only enhances its business operations but also plays a crucial role in uplifting communities and fostering economic development. This approach reinforces the idea that diversity is a powerful driver of innovation and resilience, benefiting both the company and the wider community.