Experts & Opinions

May 20, 2021
One of the biggest communication challenges for trade shows is training booth staff to drive potential leads to scan their badge. The team is often made up of technical people, salespeople and or part-time people unrelated to the company. Depending on the show, your booth may be in a high traffic area with lots of browsers or in the far corner with only the occasional lost attendee. The challenge remains the same. How do you capture as many leads as possible? Not to fear, this simple approach will tame the trade show tangles. To begin, it helps to look at a few of the roles in the sales… more
May 18, 2021
Last year brought us the COVID Pandemic, but it was also the year that America confronted racism head-on. After the murder of George Floyd, I reached out to my colleague Derrick Johnson, director of diversity programs with Talley Management Group. We decided that event planners should be empowered to affect real change in the business of events, so we founded “Events: From Black to White,” a free weekly (now monthly) open online discussion on all things equity in the meetings industry. We felt that by giving the events community a safe space to come together to talk, listen, learn, educate… more
May 13, 2021
My 6-year-old daughter Jetty is many things—caring, precocious, faith-filled, and also already an intrepid, ambitious entrepreneur. I recently came home to discover she had gathered together family heirlooms, clothing, and pieces of furniture, then moved them to a central area and tagged everything with prices. “Darling, whatever are you doing?” I asked, at a loss for what game she’d invented this time. She looked me straight in the eye and replied with inherent glee, “We’re going to have a sale so we can buy a puppy!” What can I say? It should be no surprise that enterprising thought is in… more
May 11, 2021
Most trade shows across the world have been canceled or converted to virtual events because of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, the worldwide exhibition industry contracted by 68% in 2020 and 2.4 million full-time jobs were affected. There is cause for concern that this trend will continue in 2021. However, with vaccinations slowing the tide of the pandemic, companies are beginning to wonder when in-person trade shows will begin again. And when they do return, will anyone attend?   Show organizers will need to ensure the safety of… more
May 07, 2021
Despite uncertainty from planners in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the first few months of 2021 have shown that people are eager to attend events again. But it’s up to organizers to keep them safe and make them feel comfortable. In March 2021, some governments began to ease restrictions on social gatherings in various states and cities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also issued updated guidelines, with many updates being especially relevant to organizers of large events. If you’re involved in trade shows, expos or any event that requires attendees, consider… more
May 06, 2021
The rollout of more and more vaccines will help large venues reopen and allow our industry to bring back in-person events in the coming months. It will be critical for event organizers and venues to work together to deliver events where attendees feel safe participating. Technology plays a key role in this effort and can streamline health safety measures for event organizers. Here are four ways technology takes event health safety plans beyond sanitizing stations and facial coverings: Technology Allows Participants to Easily Attest to Their Health Mobile, web-based technology allows event… more
May 04, 2021
A digital-first approach to industry events and networking is now the norm, bringing with it new opportunities to make meaningful connections virtually, along with a more adaptable, convenient and precise way to organize and attend industry events. This current reality will never fully disappear — instead it’s a sign of what the future will bring. The pandemic has accelerated innovation in the events industry and forced event organizers to prioritize and cater to virtual and hybrid events. As we look to the future of digital events, it’s vital that organizers and marketers are clear on their… more
Apr 30, 2021
The COVID-19 vaccine rollout has brought some much-needed positive news, but it will still be months before associations and businesses can plan the large-scale in-person events and trade shows they once did. In the interim, many are opting for virtual or hybrid trade shows, conferences and meetings.  Yet for hybrid events to be successful for both online and in-person participants, meeting planners must encourage engagement for in-person attendees as well as for virtual participants. The entertainment and speakers (talent) provide much of that value and help to ensure continuity of… more
Apr 27, 2021
It’s the year 2013, we are all thriving after a great few years of growth from the 2008 economic downturn. We are plush with happiness and looking for exciting new ways to grow our events. With great times, come well…a mix of great things and complete complacency. And so, with that we began to throw the idea around of extending the life of our events. How do we make them longer without being boring? It is now the year 2021…there is nothing else that need be said about the year that shall not be named…you know the one that came before. However, we have learned and grown so much as an industry… more
Apr 22, 2021
Last year put life into perspective for a lot of us. In a previous blog, I talked about being an agent of change. Now I want to discuss how fast change can bring positive results within your business events models. Whether you dealt with navigating through chaos, strengthening your resiliency muscles or just survived, we all did one thing together and that was change. As much as we changed personally, it goes without saying that the events and hospitality industries also changed significantly. In what may be an unpopular opinion, I believe that this forced change has a silver lining. We all… more
Partner Voices
  MGM Resorts is renowned for its exceptional service and diverse venue options across Las Vegas, Detroit, Springfield, National Harbor, Biloxi, and Atlantic City, providing flexible spaces for meetings of any size. Beyond these offerings, MGM Resorts distinguishes itself through a strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, making it an ideal choice for your next meeting.  At the core of MGM Resorts' company values is its platform, "Focused on What Matters," dedicated to meeting customer needs while advancing socially responsible practices. This commitment is evident in several key areas:  Protecting Natural Resources  MGM Resorts is home to industry-leading recycling, renewable electricity and water conservation programs. Some highlights include a cogeneration power plant at ARIA, producing ultra-efficient electricity; one of America’s largest contiguous rooftop solar arrays atop the convention center at Mandalay Bay; and onsite wells that provide water for the celebrated Fountains of Bellagio, avoiding reliance on precious Colorado River water. These efforts and many more save on natural resources while boosting attendee satisfaction.  Committed to Community  Always striving to be good neighbors, MGM Resorts works to avoid food waste and combat food insecurity with the Feeding Forward program. In partnership with local food banks, they safely divert unserved food to food insecure members of the community. Since 2016, over 5 million meals have been provided, highlighting MGM Resorts' commitment to minimizing food waste and addressing community needs.  MGM Resorts supports clients in their responsible-meetings efforts, not only with efficient venues but also waste-reducing décor and signage; sustainable food and beverage options; and outreach to help planners communicate sustainability efforts to attendees. What’s more, they offer a Mindful Meetings series that puts attendee wellness first—through fitness and mindfulness activities, and in give-back events with local charity organizations.   Fostering Diversity & Inclusion  To MGM Resorts, a diverse and talented workforce is essential to success. By cultivating innovative strategies that consider multiple perspectives and viewpoints, the company creates an inclusive workplace culture that benefits its employees and community. MGM Resorts takes pride in being a welcoming home for veterans, individuals with disabilities, people from diverse backgrounds, LGBTQ+ community members, and more. This commitment to inclusion is reflected in the company's recruitment and hiring practices and its social responsibility initiatives. From the workplace to the community, MGM Resorts' commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion remains unwavering, and its efforts continue to create a more equitable and sustainable world for all.  MGM Resorts offers unparalleled service and venue options while standing out for its proactive approach to sustainability and community engagement. Choosing MGM Resorts for your next meeting means aligning with a company that values social responsibility, efficiency, and attendee satisfaction, ensuring a meaningful and impactful event experience.