TSNN Exclusive: Bruno Giaccio Joins Prestigious List of King’s Glove Award Winners

MetroMultimedia CEO Bruno Giaccio has joined New York trade show royalty as the recipient of the 2024 King’s Glove Award by the New York Area Chapter of the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (NYIAEE).
A list mostly filled with trade show organizers vs. suppliers, a few of the notable names that many will recognize — William Little, Sr., 1987; Saul Poliak, 1989; Ralph Ianuzzi, Sr., 1992; Alan Larkin, 1993; Peter Nathan, 1999; Michael Bloomberg, 2005; Vincent Polito, 2006, Jack Buttine, 2007; and Alan Steel, 2014 – comprise the long list of past winners. The most recent recipient was Michael Ruberry, who served as vice president at Javits Center, in 2022. See complete list of previous winners list below.
In a TSNN exclusive, we’ve got the scoop on how and why Giaccio earned the award this year.
Origin story: The King’s Glove Award stems from England, where the largest and most elaborate of the early modern-day expositions were held, the most famous one being the Stourbridge Fair. The Fair was conducted by the Abbey of Stourbridge in conjunction with Cambridge University, and it featured trade and commercial exhibits and activities, as well as a special court to try business-related crimes. A message from the King was read at the opening of the Fair, which outlined the event’s rules, including rules about honest weights and measures and proper business conduct.
The King’s Glove was displayed to demonstrate the King’s authority over the Fair. The large glove, being a true replica of the “Royal Gauntlet,” was raised on a pole to mark the location of the abbot’s quarters during the exposition. It was elaborately carved from wood and painted in great detail. Housed at the Javits Center, the NYIAEE King’s Glove Award is cast in bronze and mounted on a stone pedestal with the pediment encased in glass.
How the selection process works: Every year, all NYIAEE members, who are individuals involved in the planning, management, and production of exhibitions and events in the NY area, are invited to nominate any individual NYIAEE member who they believe is deserving of the King’s Glove Award. The NYIAEE Board reviews all nominations and conducts a vote for a single individual award winner. If no individual receives a unanimous vote, no award is given that year.
Why he was selected: At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Giaccio worked closely with event organizers and venue managers to create a state-of-the-art broadcasting studio, allowing participants to share content and exchange ideas during one of the most challenging periods in our history. A strong believer in the power of mentoring, Giaccio also has helped to fund scholarships to facilitate college education for New York City students, as well as careers in the event industry, reinforcing the positive impact of the industry’s community partnerships.
Related: Legacy of Mentorship: Propelling the Next Gen of Event Professionals
What they’re saying: “Bruno represents the best of the best in our industry, combining technical expertise with boundless enthusiasm, and his passion for mentoring the next generation of leaders serves as a model for all of us,” said NYIAEE Chair Jacqueline Retzer, who serves as director of event management at The Toy Association. “On behalf of all of our chapter members, I would like to congratulate Bruno on this outstanding achievement and commend him for his relentless drive to innovate and inspire.”
When will he be recognized: The King’s Glove Award will be presented to Giaccio at a luncheon ceremony on Nov. 7 at the Javits Center. Tickets for the ceremony will be available for purchase over the next few weeks at www.nyiaee.com.
Accolades from previous leaders: “From show floor carpenter to CEO, Bruno has risen through the ranks to become one of our industry’s most important visionaries, and his commitment to his craft has enabled us to create a better client experience than ever before,” said NYIAEE Past-Chair Thomas Malek, who is executive vice president of Client Experience at T3 Expo. "As a longstanding friend and industry partner for over two decades, I have witnessed firsthand Bruno’s remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication to excellence, and I am proud to celebrate him as this year’s recipient of the King’s Glove Award.”
Praise from previous winner: “We are delighted to host this award which acknowledges the contribution of leaders who transform our industry,” said Alan Steel, CEO of the Javits Center and former King’s Glove Award winner. “Bruno’s amazing career, which already spans more than three decades, has done just that. From building a broadcast studio at the height of the pandemic, to bringing the latest technology to our events, his focus on the customer has changed perceptions and elevated the work of our clients, business partners, and employees. Thanks to Bruno, and no doubt thanks to the training he received from his father and mentor, Bruno Sr., our industry is in a stronger position to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving clientele.”
In his own words: “Following in my late father’s footsteps, I have dedicated my entire career to this amazing industry, and I am deeply humbled and honored to accept such a prestigious award from my colleagues and business partners in the New York chapter,” said Giaccio. “Our industry brings people together to share ideas that can move our world forward, and I am proud to play a small role in that important process. Our collective work spurs economic activity and job creation nationwide, and the memorable experiences we create lead to new innovations that improve our economy and society. Since working as a carpenter more than 30 years ago, I have been passionate about our work, and none of my success would be possible without the support of my family members, friends, clients and the entire MetroMultimedia team.”

Backstory: As a young professional, Giaccio was mentored by his late father, Bruno, Sr., who emigrated from Italy to The Bronx when he was 17 years old and served as a long-time industry leader — first as a union decorator, then as vice president of sales for one of the country’s largest general services contractors.
Today at MetroMultimedia, based in Paramus, NJ, Giaccio leads more than 250 technical professionals as they produce hundreds of events nationwide. Giaccio and his team customize state-of-the-art audio-visual operations for a variety of events — large and small. With an inventory of advanced equipment in major cities nationwide, MetroMultimedia plays a role in producing some of the nation’s largest, most complex live events and has supported a variety of industry-focused efforts, including NYC Tourism and Conventions’ 2024 Annual Meeting in New York City.
Nominations: The nomination process requires a written statement about the nominated individual that addresses how they exemplify the following criteria:
● Played a leadership role in the development of the exposition industry in the New York area
● Played an educational role in the development of people in the exposition industry in the New York area
● Instituted new programs in their company or organization that improved the effectiveness and professionalism of their event or business practices and the trade show industry
● Established ideas and values in their company or organization that are the highest standard and compatible with those of the New York Area Chapter.
Past NYIAEE King’s Glove Award Winners (including year of award):
● William E. Little, Sr., 1987
● James C. Torres, 1987
● Charles Gillett, 1988
● Saul Poliak, 1989
● Beth Thalheim, 1989
● Jay R. Thalheim, 1989
● Charles Snitow, 1990
● Ralph J. Ianuzzi, Sr., 1992
● Alan B. Larkin, 1993
● Jerry C. Schaefer, 1995
● Robert E. Boyle, 1997
● Jeff Little, 1999
● Peter W. Nathan, CEM, 1999
● Richard K. Swandby, 2003
● Elyse N. Kroll, 2004
● Cristyne L. Nicholas, 2004
● Michael R. Bloomberg, 2005
● Vincent Polito, 2006
● Jack Withiam, Jr., 2006
● Jack M. Buttine, 2007
● Alan E. Steel, 2014
● Barbara Lampen, 2016
● Michael Ruberry, 2022
About IAEE: Organized in 1928 as the National Association of Exposition Managers to represent the interests of trade show and exposition managers, IAEE represents more than 9,000 individuals in more than 50 countries who conduct and support exhibitions around the world. More than 50 percent of IAEE's members are directly involved in the planning, management, and production of exhibitions and buyer-seller events. The remainder of our membership consists of those who provide products and services to the industry.
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