Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Breaks Record with 1,442 Events in 2012
Last year was a very good one for the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre since it hosted a record-breaking 1,442 events, the highest number recordedsince opening in mid-2005, representing a 7-percent increase from 1,346 held in 2011.
The venue also served more than 1.6 million delegates and visitors, which resulted in an economic impact contribution of RM590 million.
This brings the total number of events held at the Centre between June 2005 and December 2012 to 6,645, with more than 13.7 million delegates and visitors in attendance.
In addition, the total economic impact contribution to Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia for the period was RM4.2 billion.
The past 12 months have been busy at the center, with the launch of a revamped mobile friendly Web site, Wi-Fi network enhancement, a student training partnership with Taylor’s University and continuing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) work with several environmental and children’s organizations.
“As we mark our eighth year of operations,we have put a lot of thought into what we can do better to continue attracting new clients, whilst retaining old ones,” said General Manager Datuk Peter Brokenshire.
He added, “With all business segments meeting their targets in 2012, our plan going forward is to aim for better yield management, use of space and quality of events.
On the centers calendar of events for 2013, Datuk Brokenshire said the venue will host and welcome more than 20,000 delegates by July through several events, including the 35th Asia Pacific Dental Congress (APDC 2013); 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2013); and Women Deliver Conference 2013, to name just a few.

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