HCEA 2015 Healthcare Marketing Summit Offers Robust Education Program

The Healthcare Convention and Exhibitors Association’s 2015 Marketing Summit, on tap Jan. 21-22 at the Hyatt Regency Boston, has an education program that will feature several relevant sessions.
Here are the sessions being offered:
Healthcare Professionals Panel
This panel of healthcare professionals will share their unique opinions on a variety of questions most industry associations/suppliers have wondered for years. What are they thinking when walking through an exhibit hall? Do they visit the exhibit hall while at conventions? If not why not? How are millennials and boomers different and what approach should be implemented to grab their attention? Once in a booth, what do they want? Are they familiar with Open Payments and what is their understanding? Get answers to the questions you've been dying to ask, on these topics and so many more...straight from the source!
A Researcher's Perspective
Bringing a new product to market is always a challenge. Learn valuable information and insights related to bringing a drug to market. Dr. Gerald Tanoury from Vertex Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge will speak from the scientific side, specifically related to legal/compliance issues.
Shedding Light on Open Payments
Who completely understands Open Payments? Here is a chance to learn from one of the best, most educated on the topic. Join us as Pat Schaumann goes over the who, what, where and how of the Physician Payment Sunshine Act.
Patient Focus - Compassionate Care
Join Marjorie Stanzler, Senior Director of Programs, and Pamela Mann, Director of Programs and Rounds Training, as they take you through a journey of how the Schwartz Center became the impetus for promoting compassionate care.
EFPIA - Effect on Medical Meetings
EFPIA and the U.S. Medical Meetings Industry- understanding the new European EFPIA Disclosure Code and the effect it will have on the US Medical Meetings Industry.
State Of The Industry
HCEA's "State of the Industry" is an annual report anticipated by many, brimming with the valuable information we all need professionally, daily, to properly plan and manage healthcare exhibition programs. This is your chance to hear the latest information, FIRST at the Summit.
Click HERE to register for the HCEA 2015 Healthcare Marketing Summit.

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