Freeman ColorSelector App Puts Your Imagination in the Palm of Your Hand
Imagine you are on a site tour of a convention center and you’re standing in the middle of the empty hall. You’re trying to picture, in your head, what the hall would look like if you decided to go with midnight blue carpet in the aisles and gold for the pipe and drape.
Freeman’s ColorSelector app allows you to replace that image in your head with a more useful one right in the palm of your hand.
Love the carpet but don’t like the look of the gold pipe and drape? Simply tap on the drape and use the color slider to select a different color. You can see, right on your screen, how your selected color combination will look.
The app gives you the option to view and select aisle and booth carpet, drape and table skirt colors. It also gives you the ability to save, email or print color selections. PMS color codes are provided with each selection.
“The biggest benefit to show organizers is the ability for them to explore all possible color combinations and visualize what their event would look like,” said Jay Atherton, Freeman's executive vice president of Operations.
The app concept came about when Freeman was looking for an alternative to printed brochures and cut samples. The app gave Freeman and their customers a greener alternative to mailing brochures and keeping quantities of samples in stock.
Atherton added, “We’ve had a number of customers who’ve given us positive feedback. They love the ability to pick colors, communicate those colors and then have a rendering for their files.”
The ColorSelector app is available for Apple and Android devices, and there also is a desktop version available.

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