Events Industry Launches Global Sustainability Principles

Last month, representatives of global events, tourism and sustainability bodies ushered in the new year with the launch of four Principles for Sustainable Events designed to guide and motivate event organizers worldwide to embrace and implement green practices.
This multi-stakeholder group, convened by the Events Industry Council (EIC) through two forums held during IMEX in Frankfurt and Las Vegas, agreed that the focus of these principles should include:
- Shared responsibility for implementation and communication between event organizers and suppliers
- Identification of basic environmental practices
- Key social considerations
- Pathways to support thriving economic practices
The Principles for Sustainable Events encourage organizations and practitioners to adopt practices that foster collaboration with a simple but powerful message: By working together, event planners and suppliers can support a healthy natural environment, resilient communities and culture, and thriving economies.
“The potential to transform our industry through the widespread adoption of sustainable events principles is inspiring,” said Tina Wehmeir, chair of the EIC board of directors.
She continued, “Developed with extensive global input and derived from an examination of industry standards, global sustainability frameworks and alignment with the United Nation’s (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, we are confident these principles will serve to unify the events industry’s commitment to a more sustainable world.”
Given the volume and visibility of the global events industry, with millions of events generating more than $1 trillion USD in direct spending each year, events represent an enormous opportunity to increase sustainability on the ground as well as raise awareness among individuals and organizations, according to Hillary Green, program officer of the Sustainable UN Initiative (SUN), UN Environment.
“Meetings and events are also important tools used by the United Nations System to further the Sustainable Development Goals and the wider Agenda 2030,” Green said. “The Principles for Sustainable Events are concordant with similar work taking place at the UN and can be an initial guide to assist all actors involved in the events industry in accelerating the transformation towards a sustainable, climate-neutral world.”
To review these groundbreaking principles and join the movement of more than 60 endorsers that include global industry associations, multinational companies, and small and medium-sized enterprises from 13 countries, go HERE.
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